Promotion of interests

The most important task of student organizations is to promote the interest of their members both at university and in society. There is a member responsible for promoting interest, defending rights and developing studies in every student organization’s board. In Kannunvalajat study secretaries take care of the faculty’s study affairs and lead a study committee, which is attended by board members responsible for study affairs and student representatives working in different administrative bodies of the university.

At the university, students are equal with the staff and we have the right to have our voice heard in decision-making considering us. For this reason, professors, the middle class (other teaching and administrative staff) and students are tripartite participants in university decision-making. The most important decision-making bodies for students are the Faculty Council and the Executive Board of Degree Programs.

University staff appreciate the students’ views and are happy to listen to us. Therefore, any kind of development suggestions and feedback is important. Study representatives take them forward. If you experience a violation of your rights or encounter problems, you may contact them.

The entire university and society-wide lobbying is driven by Student Union’s experts. In addition, HYY runs a study committee where those interested in study issues can meet to discuss across faculty boundaries.

Essential content for study affairs can be found in different Facebook groups, as well as information on the email lists of organizations.

Kannu study:

Politics, Media and Communication:

Social Sciences:

Societal change:

HYY’s Groups:

Information on student rights can be found in the HYY’s Guide on legal protection:

E-mails for the Study secretaries of the Kannunvalajat: opintovastaavat (at)